RSI provides the extensive capabilities and resources the responsiveness, flexibility, and attention only can be provided by a small company. RSI's
professional staff of scientists, engineers, and technicians work individually or as a team, assuring you of the expertise and level of support required to meet your specific requirements on time and within budget.
RSI operates from Pasadena, Maryland with additional on-site support activity at the
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, DC. RSI’s
core business areas include research and development, systems engineering, instrument test and calibration, field testing and experiment support.
From the highly-successful NRL Clementine lunar mapping mission, the
long-term monitoring of atmospheric ozone, ground breaking plasma physics research, the WISPR instrument on the Parker Solar Probe and the NASA GOES-R weather satellite program, RSI personnel have played key roles in Government and commercial space experiments and technology demonstrations. Below is an interview with our Mark Boies, Systems Engineer for the Wide-Field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR). You can watch a
video of the launch on YouTube.